A Human Rights Report on the Azerbaijani Turks in Iran | October-December 2023

May 20, 2024

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During the final quarter of 2023, there were notable human rights violations as authorities apprehended 24 individuals. Some of these individuals have been temporarily released on bail while awaiting the outcome of their legal proceedings. This report also provides updates on previously detained cases, including the forced exile of one individual to a remote location.

We have documented the summoning of 10 individuals by security forces, including three women. Regrettably, at least two individuals faced the gravest consequence, being executed by hanging following capital punishment sentences. 16 individuals received varying penalties due to their involvement in civil activities. Notably, within this cohort, five individuals had previously been sentenced, but their cases have since been revisited and updated. Of particular note, a civil activist experienced academic suspension, while the creative pursuits of at least one artist were abruptly halted. Updates have been provided regarding two cases of individuals who have been exiled. Five individuals reported instances of harassment and assault by security and police forces, exacerbating the already distressing situation. Additionally, three newborn children were denied national identification cards due to their chosen name.

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