Iran: A Human Rights Report on the Azerbaijani Turks in Iran | January-March 2024

May 20, 2024

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This report covers human rights violations against Azerbaijani Turks in Iran during the first quarter of 2024 (January, February, and March).

In the realm of human rights violations, the first quarter of 2024 saw the apprehension of 48 individuals by authorities. Some of these individuals were granted release on bail while awaiting the conclusion of their legal proceedings. This report also provides updates on previously arrested cases, including the exile of two individuals to a remote area.

9 individuals were summoned by security forces. Tragically, at least four individuals faced the gravest consequence, as they were executed by hanging under capital punishment sentences. A previous political prisoner passed away under suspicious circumstances. Furthermore, 11 individuals received various penalties for their involvement in civil activities. Some of these people have been sentenced previously but their case is updated.  Notably, a civil activist faced academic suspension, and the activities of at least two were halted. Additionally, one individual reported facing threats from security and police forces, further contributing to the distressing landscape. Moreover, four newborn children were denied ID certificates, compounding the concerning situation.

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